Canvas Settings

More options!

The last option on the list is a drop-down menu of some extra settings for the canvas. This will be a breakdown of all of these settings.

Show Intermediates

Currently unavailable with the canvas.

Show Grid

Toggles the visibility of the grid on the canvas. Turning off the grid visibility can moderately reduce lag.

Snap to Grid

Toggles the bounding box snapping to the grid. Turning this off will let you choose a more specific area to work on.

Moving the bounding box with the snapping off will make it very difficult to realign to where it was. Make sure to finish working on the area before moving it again. This isn't as difficult when snapping is turned on.

Darken Outside Selection

Toggles the dimming of anything outside the bounding box. This can help to visualize what the AI is actually seeing when you hit generate. Anything dark isn't processed at all. This is true regardless of this setting.

Save Box Region Only

Toggles weather you want to save the whole image, or just what's inside the bounding box. Can be convenient when working on a large image and want to export just a region to work on in other apps. Also good for saving an image that has more than four sides due to outpainting, cropping off the transparent areas.

Limit Strokes to Box

This stops the paint tool from going outside the bounding box. Turn it off to work outside the box region. Masking can be done regardless of this setting, but the cursor does not appear if the setting is on.

Use Palette Fix

This option is complicated enough to warrant it's own section.

Palette Fix

Show Canvas Debug Info

This toggles some extra information about the canvas. Not usually important but might be handy for bug fixing.

Clear Canvas History

Empty Temp Image Folder

Last updated