Prompt Myths

Sometimes you'll see people using prompts like 'best quality', and 'masterpiece' A lot of the time these prompts can just be a placebo, not actually doing anything, but change the result slightly, the same way random text would.

Here's an example of a set of common variables being switched from the start and end of the prompt.

"***, 22yo woman with a slim body and red hair blowing in the wind, jeans and a tshirt, standing on a precipice looking at a city, @@@"

The theory is that if it does similar changes when swapped around it's not just placebo Because random garbled text could do something different like change a background.

Here's another chart, just a bit more simple on the prompt:"Woman wearing a sweater, <Word>"

Note that some of these do have an effect, but not always in the way you'd expect.

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